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Contact Us

Get in Touch

A Note to Potential Clients and Partners

CASE is a small but mighty nonprofit organization that helps San Francisco Bay Area students and their families navigate special education services.  The services we offer include consultations, document reviews, direct advocacy in IEP meetings, trainings, and much more.


At CASE, we start the process with a free consultation with an advocate.  Our consultations are generally held via phone or Google Meet on weekday mornings and afternoons at set times throughout the week.  If you are interested in a consultation, please fill out our Intake Form by clicking on the "Free Consultation" button below.


Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to provide direct advocacy support to all families requesting our assistance.  We very often refer families to partner agencies.  There are many wonderful parent training and information centers (PTICs) that provide parent mentors, training, support groups, and so much more.  We encourage you to visit our partner organizations: 


CASE and Disability Rights California have co-authored the Special Education Rights and Responsibilities Manual (SERR), which is a wonderful resource for families with great information about the special education process.  It has answers to many frequently asked questions and is available in multiple languages.  The SERR can be viewed on the Disability Rights California website:


CASE provides FREE trainings with many Bay Area PTICs and Family Empowerment Centers. We have recorded many of the trainings provided in conjunction with Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (SFCD), and they have been posted on the SFCD YouTube channel:



Many thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Let's Connect


Interested in having CASE provide training to your staff or organization? Looking for additional resources? Please use the form below to contact CASE. We look forward to connecting!


Please note: in order to schedule a free consultation, you must complete CASE's Intake Form in the next column.

Thank you for your message!

Request a Consultation

Our advocates provide FREE 45-minute consultations with any Bay Area student, family, or professional who has questions about special education.  CLICK HERE to schedule your free consultation


Contact Us



Via Mail:

PO Box 12763

San Francisco, CA 94112

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